Monday, November 30, 2009

How do I love thee let me count the ways

I spoke to my husband about how I felt when a friend gave me these very endearing glances, it was daunting as I expected a huge jealous drama would ensue but he acknowledged my wanting some affections. And I told him that I wanted that from him and not from anyone else. He promised to be more expressive with his affections. I told him I want flowers, I want a slow walk hand-in hand where-ever, by the beach preferably. I want to watch the sun set with him. I want him to be around when I have performances.. He can't promise to grant most of these requests but he promised to do his best.

We are planning to conceive our second child, but I think it would be too late now if my Cabaret performance were to fall on November 2010. I need to be fit at least 4 months before November. So I think the best time to conceive is next year November! In the meantime let me enjoy being thin and slim for one more year. Sally Bowles will rock Malaysia next year. Yea!

I am also starring in KLpac's new musical Adam. We will be performing on stage in May 2010. This play is about AIDS or what laymen do not understand about the disease. We spoke about it the last time we had the casts meeting. Most of us agree there are alot that we do not know, especially how it is transfered. This will be an interesting journey.

In the meantime I'm working on Kelam...Bu, a play about an incestous father who raped most of his daughters. I'm playing Ogy one of the raped daughter who turns to prostitution. This is my first Malay theater. It will be staged on 17th and 18th December in ASWARA.

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